The American Bar Association has posted its “Top 100 Blawgs” list for 2016.
Law students with a little more free time than usual over winter break may want to check out the following law-related blogs in particular, since the topics relate to law students, early-career lawyers, or legal career advice. Links to blog home pages and sample blog posts are below.
Associate’s Mind
Birmingham lawyer/blogger Keith Lee who has been in practice for roughly six years, writes about the transition from law school to lawyer, getting that first job, and improving from there.
Before the Bar
This is the official blog of the ABA’s Law Student Division.
Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports
A law professor at the University of Chicago blogs about law schools nationwide. Some posts are deep dives into the inner workings of legal academia, while some are directly of interest to current law students.
- Law schools ranked by employment outcomes based on 2015 ABA data
- Law schools ranked by average indebtedness of graduates
The Gen Why Lawyer
Nicole Abboud passed the bar five years ago. She practiced family law, then fashion law, then founded the Gen Why Lawyer podcast.
Law School Café
One law professor with multiple teaching awards (Deborah J. Merritt) and one 27-year-old law graduate who has been named by National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers (Kyle McEntee) moderate a discussion about how law school and the legal profession need to change.
- Council Approves New Bar Passage Standard
- Can We Increase Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Legal Profession?
The Lawyer Whisperer
A former lawyer who now works as both a consultant to law firms and a career strategist for lawyers, writes an advice column for lawyers.
- Life is pretty bad for me. I hate my job and am going through a divorce. Is it ok to look for a new job now?
- Why are employers so biased against relocation candidates? Would attending an MBA or LLM program in my desired city help my candidacy?
Thanks to the ABA for highlighting so many interesting blogs. See all Top 100 Blawgs.