Resource Review: HeinOnline’s New Search Tool

by guest author Dan Brackmann

Happy holidays and end of the semester. W.S. Hein sent us all a gift this year by improving HeinOnline’s searching functions.  Previously, we could search either one or all of their databases. Now, we can pre-filter our searches to as many or as few databases as needed!

To do so, first select the “All Databases” drop-down that now appears on the right of the search bar.  This brings up a list of databases where you can check the ones you want to search.

HeinOnline's search bar with the database selector at the right end of the bar circled.

The list of HeinOnline databases with check boxes to enable pre-search filtering.

Click “Submit,” type your search in the search bar, and voila! You still can refine with post-search filters too.

A sample search in the HeinOnline search bar

For more information and a video, take a look at Hein’s blog post on this new feature at:

Also see their post on their new Civil Rights and Social Justice database: