Two all-in-one computers were recently installed on the first floor of the Law Library and are available for public use:
Both machines include helpful shortcuts to some of our frequently-used resources:
Law Library website, which includes the online catalog and links to Law Databases and UofSC Databases;
Law Library chat page, which offers both text and video chat options (the new computers both include a built-in webcam that can be used during video chat);
Legal Research Guides by Topic page, a listing of the Library’s online guides on many helpful subjects including basic legal research, free internet resources, South Carolina forms, criminal law and bankruptcy among others;
LexisNexis Digital Library offers online access to the annotated codes of several states as well as books on many different areas of law;
NexisUni, formerly known as LexisNexis Academic, is a great resource for researching case law and statutes and includes the Shepard’s citator (which can help determine if a statute or case is still good law), and;
HeinOnline contains a vast collection of law review and journal articles as well as additional primary and secondary legal sources. Materials located in HeinOnline are presented as PDF documents that appear in the same format as the print version of that resource.
There is also a shortcut to the Downloads folder, so that researchers can quickly find files downloaded from NexisUni, HeinOnline or other research services. Patrons may wish to bring a flash drive with them to download files from the computers.
These aren’t all of the resources that can be accessed, however, since the Law Library website also provides links to the Law Databases and UofSC Databases:
Some resources may require UofSC login credentials, however other databases may be accessed using a guest username and password that is posted beside the computers.