“During fall law school orientation, a few biographies from Memory Hold The Door are cited to highlight the professional virtues that law students and lawyers should cultivate. In addition, the Law Library curates a display that celebrates the lives and accomplishments of the highlighted honorees.” http://guides.law.sc.edu/MemoryHoldTheDoor/OrientationDisplays
This year, the display honors:
- a lawyer who helped found both the American Bar Association and the South Carolina Bar Association in the 19th century;
- a lawyer with a pivotal role in the 20th-century civil rights movement, who later became South Carolina’s first African-American federal judge; and
- the City of Columbia’s first woman municipal judge, who later served in both Afghanistan and Azerbaijan helping develop emerging legal systems.
To learn more about these honorees, watch for future blog posts, or simply visit the display in the Coleman Karesh Reading Room on the second floor of the Law Library.
“To live for a time close to great minds is the best kind of education.” John Buchan, Memory Hold-the-Door 35 (1940).